esrally不支持windows版本,目前只支持Linux和Mac OS。
2)你需要向Elasticsearch索引中添加特定的数据集,然后在其上进行基准查询(benchmarking queries).
Python 3.4+ available as python3 on the path (verify with: python3 –version which should print Python 3.4.0 or higher)
pip3 available on the path (verify with pip3 –version)
[root@laoyang git-2.4.0]# python
Python 3.5.1 (default, Aug 2 2016, 09:53:20)
[GCC 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-17)] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
[root@laoyang git-2.4.0]# git --version
git version 2.4.0
[root@laoyang git-2.4.0]# java -version
java version "1.8.0_91"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_91-b14)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.91-b14, mixed mode)
[root@laoyang git-2.4.0]# find / -name "pip3"
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步骤1:安装 Rally
pip3 install esrally
步骤2:配置 Rally
调用: esrally configure 会提示让你输入 java8.home(也就是JAVA_HOME设定的环境变量路径)。
[root@laoyang .rally]# cat /root/.rally/rally.ini
config.version = 5
root.dir = /root/.rally/benchmarks
log.root.dir = logs
env.name = local
local.src.dir=/root/.rally/src #注意,此路径并非elaticsearch安装路径。
local.install.dir = install
java8.home = /opt/jdk1.8.0_91 #注意,JAVA_HOME 路径为:/opt/jdk1.8.0_91
local.dataset.cache = ${system:root.dir}/data
datastore.type = elaticsearch
datastore.host =
datastore.port = 9200
datastore.secure = False
datastore.user =
datastore.password =
default.url = https://github.com/elastic/rally-tracks
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目前用最新版本 Rally 0.3.2(2016-8-7发行)。
[root@laoyang caches]# ll /usr/bin/gradle
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 27 Aug 5 17:13 /usr/bin/gradle -> /opt/gradle-2.13/bin/gradle
问题3:安装时候提示 documents.json.bz2 无法下载成功。
1)手动下载: http://benchmarks.elasticsearch.org.s3.amazonaws.com/corpora/geonames/documents.json.bz2
2)移动到 /root/.rally/benchmarks/data/geonames/(对于root用户)
问题4: esrally单独运行和加参数运行区别?
esrally单独运行:非常方便的指令,等价于 :esrally –pipeline=from-sources –version=current. Rally 将要通过Gradle从源码编译elasticsearch。
esrally –pipline=from-distribution –distribution-version=2.3.4, Rally将要从https://download.elasticsearch.org/elasticsearch/release/org/elasticsearch/distribution/tar/elasticsearch/2.3.4/elasticsearch-2.3.4.tar.gz
问题5: Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ‘:benchmarks:classpath’.
37 > Could not download shadow.jar (com.github.jengelman.gradle.plugins:shadow:1.2.3)如何解决?
cd /home/elasticsearch/.rally/benchmarks/src
gradle :distribution:tar:assemble
deprecated API.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
:modules:transport-netty4:processResources UP-TO-DATE
:distribution:tar:signArchives SKIPPED
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Preparing for race (might take a few moments) ...
Building from sources ...
/home/elasticsearch/.rally/benchmarks/races/2016-08-08-07-29-59/local/logs/rally_out.logRacing on track [geonames] and challenge [append-no-conflicts] with car [defaults]
Benchmarking indexing at 12183.1 docs/s [100% done]
Benchmarking stats (warmup iteration 100/100) [100% done]
Benchmarking stats (iteration 100/100) [100% done]
Benchmarking search (warmup iteration 100/100) [100% done]
Benchmarking search (iteration 100/100) [100% done]
_______ __ _____
/ ____(_)___ ____ _/ / / ___/_________ ________
/ /_ / / __ \/ __ `/ / \__ \/ ___/ __ \/ ___/ _ \
/ __/ / / / / / /_/ / / ___/ / /__/ /_/ / / / __/
/_/ /_/_/ /_/\__,_/_/ /____/\___/\____/_/ \___/
| Metric | Value |
| Min Indexing Throughput [docs/s] | 11949 |
| Median Indexing Throughput [docs/s] | 12307 |
| Max Indexing Throughput [docs/s] | 13349 |
| Indexing time [min] | 164.045 |
| Merge time [min] | 32.3815 |
| Refresh time [min] | 8.82333 |
| Flush time [min] | 1.63852 |
| Merge throttle time [min] | 1.45482 |
| Query latency default (90.0 percentile) [ms] | 68.8676 |
| Query latency default (99.0 percentile) [ms] | 77.6009 |
| Query latency default (100 percentile) [ms] | 78.8328 |
| Query latency term (90.0 percentile) [ms] | 4.63227 |
| Query latency term (99.0 percentile) [ms] | 10.9506 |
| Query latency term (100 percentile) [ms] | 13.0573 |
| Query latency phrase (90.0 percentile) [ms] | 6.35018 |
| Query latency phrase (99.0 percentile) [ms] | 13.1745 |
| Query latency phrase (100 percentile) [ms] | 14.2399 |
| Query latency country_agg_uncached (90.0 percentile) [ms] | 361.913 |
| Query latency country_agg_uncached (99.0 percentile) [ms] | 384.75 |
| Query latency country_agg_uncached (100 percentile) [ms] | 392.645 |
| Query latency country_agg_cached (90.0 percentile) [ms] | 7.71451 |
| Query latency country_agg_cached (99.0 percentile) [ms] | 17.4704 |
| Query latency country_agg_cached (100 percentile) [ms] | 18.4851 |
| Query latency scroll (90.0 percentile) [ms] | 50.4234 |
| Query latency scroll (99.0 percentile) [ms] | 50.9866 |
| Query latency scroll (100 percentile) [ms] | 51.2115 |
| Query latency expression (90.0 percentile) [ms] | 482.02 |
| Query latency expression (99.0 percentile) [ms] | 485.951 |
| Query latency expression (100 percentile) [ms] | 491.999 |
| Query latency painless_static (90.0 percentile) [ms] | 890.382 |
| Query latency painless_static (99.0 percentile) [ms] | 918.354 |
| Query latency painless_static (100 percentile) [ms] | 927.282 |
| Query latency painless_dynamic (90.0 percentile) [ms] | 968.908 |
| Query latency painless_dynamic (99.0 percentile) [ms] | 1019.14 |
| Query latency painless_dynamic (100 percentile) [ms] | 1021.97 |
| Median CPU usage (index) [%] | 887.7 |
| Median CPU usage (stats) [%] | 94.9 |
| Median CPU usage (search) [%] | 445.05 |
| Total Young Gen GC [s] | 89.121 |
| Total Old Gen GC [s] | 12.274 |
| Index size [GB] | 3.30111 |
| Totally written [GB] | 20.2123 |
| Heap used for segments [MB] | 21.6794 |
| Heap used for doc values [MB] | 0.113129 |
| Heap used for terms [MB] | 20.0574 |
| Heap used for norms [MB] | 0.0761719 |
| Heap used for points [MB] | 0.770404 |
| Heap used for stored fields [MB] | 0.6623 |
| Segment count | 96 |
| Indices Stats(90.0 percentile) [ms] | 11.5116 |
| Indices Stats(99.0 percentile) [ms] | 14.1724 |
| Indices Stats(100 percentile) [ms] | 36.8348 |
| Nodes Stats(90.0 percentile) [ms] | 11.342 |
| Nodes Stats(99.0 percentile) [ms] | 13.435 |
| Nodes Stats(100 percentile) [ms] | 16.4768 |
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Logs for this race are archived in /home/elasticsearch/.rally/benchmarks/races/2016-08-08-07-29-59/local/logs-geonames-append-no-conflicts-defaults.zip
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源码 作者danielmitterdorfer一一回复, 最终作者回复:
I am very happy too and I am glad you had so much persistence. You also uncovered a few usability problems that I need to tackle.
2016-08-08 21:00思于家中窗前